Custom Cakes

Fully Sealed Cakes

Cakes that have extra frosting and are no longer naked; you cannot see the cake layers.

Petit +5€

Get-Together +10€

Party +15€


Cakes with extra details depending on the difficulty and/or time will have an extra cost to them.

Petit +3-5€

Get-Together +5-7€

Party +8-10€

Colored Frosting*

Frosting that has been dyed artificially, depending on the brightness of the colors and the quantity. *Applicable to one color.

Petit +2-3€

Get-Together +3-4€

Party +4-5€

Larger Cakes

We also make larger-sized cakes, 24 cm (30-36 people), 26 cm (38-48 people), and 30 cm (52-65 people).

24 cm in diameter, 10 cm (ish) tall naked carrot cake 90€

26 cm in diameter naked carrot cake 113€

30 cm in diameter naked carrot cake 158€